

Greek has 17 consonants (letters), most of which are similar to English sounds.

    IPA   ~ English equivalent
Β β [v]   v in veto
Γ γ [ʝ]
y in yes
Δ δ [ð]   th in then
Ζ ζ [z]   z in zeal
Θ θ [θ]   th in thank
Κ κ [k]   k in keg
Λ λ [l]   l in lot
Μ μ [m]   m in me
Ν ν [n]   n in neat
Ξ ξ [ks]   ks in yaks
Π π [p]   p in peel
Ρ ρ [r]   rolled r **
Σ σ
ς ***
[s]   s in signal
Τ τ [t]   t in tough
Φ φ [f]   f in fee
Χ χ [x]   ****
Ψ ψ [ps]   ps in tips

* Similar to the French r apical in front of [i] and [ɛ]; [ɣ] in front of [a] [o] [u] – learn more

** Similar to the Spanish rolled r

*** ς is only for the end of a word; σ is used everywhere else

**** Pronounced in the back of the mouth, but not the throat. Like a harsh "h."

Δίψηφα σύμφωνα

There are also six double consonants.

ΓΓ γγ [ŋg]   ng in in sing never found at the beginning of a word
ΓΚ γκ [g]
  g in good
ng in in sing
at the beginning of the word
anywhere else
ΜΠ μπ [b]
  b in book
mb in bamboo
at the beginning of the word
anywhere else
ΝΤ ντ [d]
  d in do
nd in end
at the beginning of the word
anywhere else
ΤΖ τζ [dʒ]   dg in edge  
ΤΣ τσ [ts]   ts in tsunami  

The letter combinations γκ and γγ have soft pronunciations in front of [i] and [ɛ] – learn more.

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